Coaching that activates and accelerates

Transform your story, get unstuck and have a clear process for leading change.

The path to take when speed matters.


Hey there! I'm Lindsay

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.

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You've worked hard to get here.

The years of building your expertise and rising to a leadership level give you credibility with your team.
Yet this next level feels intimidating as it stretches you to influence up, across and down in your organization. The visibility is on YOU now and the stakes are high.
There's so much to do that the important work you need for yourself keeps getting pushed aside. Trying to do it in 1-hour chunks isn't bringing you the transformation you know you need.
You need it so that you can activate and accelerate others to change.

This is what a VIP day does for you.

How action-oriented coaching differs from 1:1 sessions

A VIP intensive delivers deep, fast change in your leadership. It has outputs:

  • An elevator speech to help you better tell the story of why 
  • An action plan to get stakeholders unstuck using sophisticated influencing strategies
  • A communication approach that builds off of listening and engagement techniques
  • An experience map that anticipates the highs and lows so that interventions are ready (and you forecast resistance points)
  • An action planning process that supports your personal leadership to align words and actions (how you build trust)

You can spend your day on any one of these items or something entirely different. While every day is unique, what feels consistent is the focus on activating and accelerating. You have tangible artifacts--and you know how to do it next time. 

A VIP intensive gives you the time and space you need to do the next-level work. With the support of an expert who's only goal is to get you going fast.

What your VIP day includes:

  • 10+ hours of dedicated time to support your unique change leadership needs
  • A prep session to discuss outputs and design the day
  • An onsite day of focus--away from the hustle of your day job (including my travel costs)
  • One month of follow-up coaching to apply learnings and adjust outputs


*Ask about discounts for virtual VIP days.

Design your day

Spots are limited for this exclusive, action-oriented coaching intensive. Reach out to hit the accelerator on your growth.